Graphics Plus
Graphics Plus.iso
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127 lines
/* include file for options.c & parse.c */
/* include statements */
#include <stdio.h> /* standard i/o routines */
#include <fcntl.h> /* other standard routines */
#include <stdlib.h> /* more lattice c standard i/o routines */
/*#include <tardev.h> /* targa board header files */
/*#include <time.h> /* time header files */
#include <math.h> /* some math functions needed */
#include <dos.h> /* needed for init 9 call */
#include "df.h" /* header file with defines for HDF */
#define MOUSE
/* remove comments before compiling for mouse operation */
/* define statements */
#define HI 2
#define LO 3
#define SCRLLEFT 203
#define SCRLUP 200
#define SCRLDOWN 208
#define SCRLRIGHT 205
#define PAGEUP 201
#define PAGEDOWN 209
#define HOME 199
#define END 207
#define ALTSCRLUP 152
#define ALTSCRLDOWN 160
#define ALTSCRLLEFT 155
#define ALTSCRLRIGHT 157
#define ALTPAGEUP 153
#define ALTPAGEDOWN 161
#define ALTHOME 151
#define ALTEND 159
#define HDF 'h'
#define RASTER 'b'
#define NO9 '9'
#define VGA 'v'
#define EGA 'e'
#define TARGA 't'
#define RAWSIZE 32000 /* maximum size of the block to be read in from disk */
extern int i,j,k,l,c, /* temporary global counters and such */
xdim,ydim, /* x & y dimensions for the image to be displayed */
file, /* the file pointer for binary files */
xoff,yoff, /* the offset into the picture to be displayed */
palnum, /* the palette number which is currently displayed */
show, /* a binary variable telling whether the palette is displayed on the screen */
palmax, /* the number of palettes in memory */
maxx,maxy, /* the x & y dimensions of the screen */
palspeed, /* how fast the palette rotates */
lastref, /* the last reference number used in palette searching */
lasttag, /* the last tag number used in searching for palettes */
newref, /* reference number for a new palette */
imref, /* the current image's reference number */
imtag, /* the current image's tag number */
slope, /* slope of line in fiddle mode */
offset, /* offset for center of palette for fiddle mode */
animate, /* the animation toggle */
one_file, /* the one file animation toggle */
first_hdf, /* boolean to flag the first time through an hdf animation */
cycled, /* boolean variable to tell whether a sequence has been animated */
oneimage, /* boolean variable to indicate whether there are multiple binary images to be displayed */
xshow, /* the width of the image */
m1,m2,m3,m4, /* mouse variables */
leftbutton, /* boolean variables for buttons on the mouse */
mouse, /* boolean variable to determine if the mouse is active */
mx,my, /* last position where the mouse was at */
pal_xoff, /* location of the upper left hand corner of the color bar */
screen, /* boolean variable for screen on or off */
before, /* boolean variable for mouse activated previously */
anispeed, /* speed for animation */
doneinit, /* boolean variable to keep track of whether the palette has been initialized for ega mode */
getout, /* boolean variable to exit program abruptly */
pal_height, /* height in bytes of the color bar on the screen */
expandit, /* preference boolean variable to expand(1) or interpolate(0) */
center, /* boolean variable to specify a centered image */
xwhere,ywhere; /* where the upper left hand of the image is */
#ifdef QAK
extern long waitcount; /* counter for timing out */
extern unsigned short int l16[512]; /* array for the targa line */
extern char *store[1024], /* one per line of image */
*p, /* temporary character storage */
mode, /* the display mode we are in = EGA,VGA,NO9 */
filetype; /* the type of file to be read = 'h,'b' */
extern unsigned char rmap[256],gmap[256],bmap[256], /* the red, green, and blue bytes for 24 bit palettes */
pal[768], /* the full 24 bit palette, interleaved as red, green, blue, red, green ... */
*rpal[16],*gpal[16],*bpal[16], /* arrays of pointers to different palettes */
*egapals[16], /* array of pointers to different ega palettes */
raw[RAWSIZE], /* for file buffering */
filename[128], /* name of binary image file */
palfile[128], /* starts out = NULL */
palstore[8][512], /* large array to store the portion of the screen the palette overlays */
bigstore[4096]; /* array to expand four lines of imcomp compressed image into */
extern unsigned char trans[256], /* translation table for palette in ega mode */
trans1[256], /* temporary translation table */
count[64], /* the colors to choose from in ega mode */
regrs[16]; /* the actual palette for ega mode */
extern FILE *fp, /* file pointer for binary image files */
*pfp; /* file pointer for binary palette files */
extern struct {
int xdim,
} dims; /* dimension structure for HDF dimension reads */
/* HDF stuff */
extern DF *dff; /* HDF file descriptor */
extern DFdesc ddstr; /* HDF structure for the tag & ref of something */
/* mouse stuff */
#define NOMOUSE /* change to define MOUSE if a mouse is to be used */
#ifdef MOUSE
extern void mousecl(); /* appropriate mouse routines for compiler size */